Hey guess what? We just bought plane tickets back to the USA! The Boekes will triumphantly return on 13 September. And the best part? Our tickets from Denmark to NYC were only $529 for two people (reserved exit row seating) on Iceland Express !! Here is the new working plan... Yes, we were originally planning on returning home for the holidays in December, but we couldn't decide where we wanted to go next (Asia or South America). So, we'll live in the US for a while (location to be determined) and then go back out again once we figure out the best place to go based on weather, cost, fun-to-be-had and other random factors. In the meantime, we are in Barcelona enjoying the Battlestar Galactica-esque subways... ...and, if we have some extra time on our hands, we'll try to solve the salt deficiency problem that, according to their ads, seems to be a huge problem among Catalan women. Perhaps it's the crazy air here...